Vashi’s Free Deadpool Premiere Pro Workspace

Premiere Pro 21/12/2018 3 min read
Premiere Pro Deadpool Workspace

We’ve talked a lot about how Hollywood is turning to Premiere Pro more often for film and TV productions. This speaks volumes about the quality of Premiere Pro as an editing program. Increasingly, film editors are choosing to use this NLE to get the amazing results we see on the big screen! 

But, have you ever wondered exactly how these Hollywood editors set up their workspaces? If you’re new to Premiere Pro, or even an intermediate user, you may never have had the chance to peer into a big budget workspace setup. 

Today, we’re going to be looking at the workspace setup of one very well-known film editor — the man responsible for the Deadpool films — and how he’s helping Hollywood take the necessary steps to make the switch to Premiere Pro. 

That man is Vashi Nedomansky. If you’ve ever looked at the Deadpool films from an editor’s point of view, you’ll love seeing exactly how Vashi laid out his workspace to edit it. Oh, and did we mention that you’ll be able to download the custom workspace to use in Premiere Pro? Check it out and see for yourself! 

About VashiVisuals 

Deadpool isn’t Vashi’s only accomplishment. He’s a high-profile editor with numerous projects under his belt, and he’s also a huge proponent of Premiere Pro. His company has helped many filmmakers make the switch to Premiere Pro for editing.

He worked with David Fincher and editor Kirk Baxter to train them and set up their post-production workflow for Gone Girl. Then he worked with director Tim Miller and editor Julian Clarke to set up the post-production pipeline for Deadpool. 

Vashi is also a big force in the Premiere Pro community with his site Here he writes about all kinds of industry-related topics and gives away some really cool stuff. When working on Deadpool, Vashi created a two monitor Premiere Pro workspace that would help maximize efficiency for editing. Then he gave it away for free on his site!

Vashi’s Deadpool Premiere Pro Workspace 

The first thing to note is that it is a two monitor workspace, so if you are working on a single monitor setup it’s not going to be that helpful. But if you do have two monitors, here’s what you can expect to find. 

Monitor 1 

On monitor 1, Vashi set up media, effects, color, and audio settings. The entire left half is the media bin. Vashi has even gone ahead and created all of the folders you might need for workflow like sequences, VFX, titles, music, and more. The sequences folder also houses two sequences (Main #1 and Selects). More on that later. 

On the right half of the screen, one has a quadrant dedicated to effects, markers, medata, libraries, Lumetri scopes, and media browser. These tabs have just about everything you’ll need on a regular basis while editing. 

The quadrant below is for audio and includes tabs for your audio track mixer, and audio clip mixer. Finally, there is a large audio meter strip running down the right side, so you always have a handle on volume. 

Monitor 2 

deadpool workspace

The second monitor is set up for straight editing. Across the top half are the traditional score and program windows to see your clips and your timeline. 

Below, Vashi has set up both of the initial sequences, with the Selects sequence placed above the Main #1 sequence. This makes it easy to dump clips into the Selects sequence and review them before adding them to the Main #1 sequence. 

Download the Deadpool Workspace for Premiere Pro

Does this all sound really great? Download the custom Deadpool Premiere Pro workspace here.

It’s a pretty sweet setup and one that many people will, no doubt, find useful. There are a couple of things to note about the project file when downloading. 

When you initially set up the download it will download a .zip file but it may look like a .prproj file. If so, just change the extension to .zip before opening. Once you unzip the file, you may find that the file doesn’t have an extension. In that case, add the .prproj extension before trying to open. 

Finally, once you have the setup open, you can save it as a new workspace by clicking Window > Workspaces > Save New Workspace.

We hope you enjoy this Deadpool workspace created by Vashi Nedomansky. With this freebie, you can now edit with ease and use the same workflows as Hollywood movies. For even more resources, tips, and insights, be sure to visit Vashi’s site at!