10 Tips You Wish You Knew About After Effects CC

After Effects 15/06/2019 6 min read
After Effects Tips

After Effects is a complex program and there are a ton of things that you can do to make your projects even better. These ten tips, ranging from basic to advanced, will help you take your projects to the next level. Let jump in! 

10 Helpful Tips for Using After Effects CC

1. Sequencing Layers

Let’s say you have a ton of images you want to reveal one after another. Instead of arranging this manually, you can trim your layers to whatever timeframe you want, such as change each to 5 seconds.

To sequence your layers in After Effects, click on the last one layer, then hold Shift and select the first layer. Now you should have all of the layers selected.

Next, go up to Animation > Keyframe Assistant > Sequence Layers. If you don’t want them to overlap, you can simply click OK. If you do want them to overlap, you need to check the Overlap box, enter a Duration, and choose a Transition before hitting OK.

Once that’s done, you’ll see that all of your layers are perfectly timed out!

2. Linear Interpolation By Default

Keyframing your interpolation to linear by default in After Effects can save you a ton of time in After Effects. But, before we do this, what exactly is keyframe interpolation?

If you have a simple shape layer and you set a few keyframes, by default After Effects turns the keyframe interpolation to Auto Bezier. If you highlight your keyframes, right-click and go to Keyframe Interpolation, you’ll see that it’s set to Auto Bezier. It can be a real pain having to reset this all the time, but there’s a quick way to correct this. 

Go to the top menu After Effects CC > Preferences > General. The fourth checkbox down will say Default Spatial Interpolation to Linear. All you have to do is check that and click OK. Now when you set new keyframes, you’ll see that the default spatial interpolation is set to linear.

3. Easily Crop Compositions

For the third tip, we want to go over how to easily crop compositions. Let’s say you have some text, and you want to crop your composition to be the exact size of the text. 

You could go up to Composition > Composition Settings and change the Width and Height until you get it right. Or, for ease, you can click on the Region of Interest button that can be found on the small menu between your viewing screen and your composition workspace. The button looks like a window within a window and can be found close to the middle. 

Once you click on the Region of Interest button, you can simply drag a box around the area you would like to crop. Then you go up to Composition > Crop Comp to Region of Interest.

4. Adjust Multiple Keyframes

Let’s say you have an animation, but you want the entire animation to happen faster. When you were first starting out, you might have adjusted all of the keyframes individually, but there’s a much easier way to adjust them all at once. 

Highlight all of your keyframes on your timeline. While holding Alt, you’ll want to click on the last keyframe and simply drag it over, and it will compress all of your keyframes into a shorter amount of time (you can also use this to make the animation take longer as well).

Now you’ve adjusted all of the keyframes without having to make individual changes!   

5. Locking Panels

For the fifth tip, we want to discuss how locking panels can speed up your workflow.

Let’s say you have a composition with a pre-comp with a photo and a circle mask. You might not be happy with the placement and might want to scale and adjust the image to the center. You could do this by going to the image layer, scaling it up, and guessing where the circle mask is. But a better option is to lock the panel and adjust from there!

You can lock the panel, then double-click on your pre-comp, drag the panel over to the right. Then, open the second comp panel so you can see both compositions at the same time.

Now when you make adjustments in your pre-comp panel, you can see how they’re going to look in your final composition. 

6. Preserve Underlying Transparency

For the sixth tip, we would like to talk about preserving the underlying transparency. Now, what is that? 

Let’s say you have some text, and you want to add a texture overlay on the text. Typically, what you might do is duplicate your text layer and set a track matte. But you can avoid all of that. 

First, drop your Texture on top of your text, then you’ll want to click on the small box button underneath the “T” between Track Matte and Mode. Once you click on that, you’ll see that your texture is automatically cut out to the Alpha Channel of the layer below. Now you can simply change your Mode to Screen, and you’re done! 

7. Keyboard Shortcuts

The seventh tip is to learn the keyboard shortcuts. Knowing your keyboard shortcuts can help you save a lot of time in After Effects! 

Anchor Point Snap to Center 

If you have an object like a circle and the anchor point is not in the center, there is an easy way to set that anchor point. Simply highlight the layer and hold Command while you double-click on the Pan Behind tool. When you do that, the anchor point snaps to the center of the layer. This trick also works with text layers.

Trim a Layer

This next shortcut will help you trim a layer with ease. Let’s say you have a shape layer that lasts the entire duration of the composition. If you simply want it to last from one to two seconds, here’s what you’d do. 

Go to one-second mark, and with your layer highlighted, press Alt + [ then go to two-second mark and press Alt + ]. You’ll see that this will trim up the layer to exactly how you want it.

8. Parent Cameras To Nulls

This trick is a pretty basic one, but helpful nonetheless.

If you want to use multiple cameras in your composition, when you start to animate the positions you might notice crazy things happening. That’s because to do this effectively, you have to animate the position and the point of interest at the same time. There’s a better way! 

Simply to parent your camera to a Null for easier animation. You do this by going to Layer > New > Null to create a new Null Object. Then, make it 3D by clicking the 3D box in the layer control panel. Finally, parent your camera to it by clicking on the roll-up symbol and dragging your cursor to the Null Object line

This way, you can do all of your animations on this Null. So now you can animate your camera through this scene quickly and easily. And we know what some of you are going to say — After Effects now has a one-node camera that does the exact same thing. While this is true, it wasn’t always available, and by default, the two-node camera is selected in After Effects.

9. Kerning Tricks

Time to learn some kerning tricks! Let’s say you have a sentence written in After Effects. You might notice that the kerning probably doesn’t look that good because by default After Effects sets the auto kerning to Metrics. 

Simply by changing this from Metrics to Optical, will do a much better job of kerning your type. Now, if you’d like to come in and adjust the kerning even more, all you have to do is click on your type layer and holding Alt you can click on the left and right arrow keys to kern in between individual letters. 

You can also set the auto-kerning to optical by default to make it easier. To do this you go to After Effects > Preferences > General. From here, click on the bottom where it says Reveal Preferences in Finder and find the document titled Adobe After Effects 13.8 Prefs-text.txt and double-click on it.

That will open up a .txt document. Find the line that says Auto Kerning Type, and change Metrics to Optical, then save it. From now on, whenever you open After Effects, it will automatically open it to Optical by default.

10. Use After Effects Scripts

Our last tip isn’t that exciting, but it’s definitely advice that will help out a lot, and that is to use scripts. One of our favorite scripts is Reposition Anchor Points which allows you to quickly and easily move the anchor point on the layer. 

But if you’re not already familiar, do yourself a favor and head over to AEscripts.com and take a look at all of the useful scripts that people have written that will definitely speed up your After Effects workflow.

There are a ton tricks that can help you create better projects. These ten are our top After Effects tips to help improve your editing workflows. If you want to get even more done, Motion Array has thousands of After Effects templates and presets that can help you take your projects from good to great!