How to Get Freelance Work from Video Marketplaces

Business 20/06/2019 4 min read
Video Marketplaces

We now live in an “on-demand” economy. What does this mean? It means that rather than paying for a bunch of employees and services that aren’t always needed, businesses are looking for solutions in the moment that they need them… on-demand.

Thankfully, there are several companies popping up to help facilitate on-demand needs, and if you’re a video producer or animator, there are lots of ways for you to benefit through the rise of the video marketplace.

Let’s take a look at some of these marketplaces, how they operate, and how they differ, so you can get more work.

Video Marketplaces for Freelancers


Video marketplace

At, clients set up project pages outlining their needs including a timeline, budget, description, and references. Budgets can range from hundreds to several thousand dollars. As a video producer, you set up an account and sort through the various project options. Once you find one you like, you can submit a pitch, add files, and discuss with the prospective client.

If they choose you for the job, you’ll receive a 10% deposit to secure the job. After the script is approved and you’re ready for production, you’ll get an additional 40%, and once delivered you receive the final 50% of the payment.

The interface at is modern and clean. It’s easy to set up a profile and submit pitches. And has a lot of customer service options to help you along with the process.

2. Videopixie

Video Marketplace Videopixie

Videopixie is another marketplace arranging clients with producers, but they expand the offering to include animators, editors, and colorists.

They have a handy proposed pricing guide based on the client’s needs. In fact, Videopixie tries to educate clients on various types of videos like crowdfunding campaigns, explainers, commercial spots, and stock clips. They also have their Video School section which helps both clients and video producers get a better understanding of how to create effective video projects. All of this goes a long way toward building a vibrant marketplace.

As a creator, you can create a portfolio page showing off your work samples, where clients can browse and book you directly. Or you can look through perspective projects and pitch yourself against others for the job.

Even without taking the time to pitch, it’s worthwhile as a creator to set up a great portfolio page for exposure and potential to be contacted by clients.

3. Video Brewery

Video Marketplace Video Brewery

Another marketplace highlighting both live-action creators and animators is Video Brewery. Using a slick interface with lots of details for clients, Video Brewery helps walk potential customers through the project-building process.

This is good news for producers, as it will generally make the production process easier. Video Brewery will help clients with any type or size of project, but their main focus is web video projects like crowdfunding videos, explainers, and whiteboard videos.

From the creator side, it’s important to note that Video Brewery isn’t an open marketplace where anyone can sign up. They are trying to moderate who is in their catalog, so you must submit an application with relevant work to be invited in. This makes it a little harder initially, but once chosen, you can rest assured knowing there will be less clutter for potential clients to sort through when choosing a partner.

4. Tongal

Video Marketplace Tongal

Tongal takes a slightly different approach to the above marketplaces by incorporating a contest model with their projects. With Tongal, all of the community has a chance to make money on any given project, but they are competing against the rest of the community.

Tongal has created a three-part process that clients go through in order to get a completed project. Step one is the idea phase. Here users can submit a very short idea for the client’s spot. The winning idea is awarded a small amount of the total budget at which point creators step in to pitch visual concepts.

The client selects which directors they would like to shoot the ideas and offer up a small production budget to each. Once all of the final videos have been submitted, winners are announced and various prize amounts go to the winners. Think $10,000 for first place, $5,000 for second, and so on.

The contest model pushes creators to make their best work for the client in order to try and secure the top prize. This can be fun for creators, but you must be aware that you may not win and may be working for no final payment. If you have the drive to create unique projects and like taking a little gamble, Tongal may be a great route to explore, and it can pay off big.

These are just a few of the many video marketplaces popping up on the web for freelancers. It doesn’t hurt to create profiles on all of them as a way to expand your network and reach new potential clients. There is a lot of work to be had, you just have to be ready when the client wants your help!