How to Split Clips in DaVinci Resolve 17

DaVinci Resolve 08/12/2021 2 min read
Split Clips DaVinci Resolve

Splitting clips and in some cases joining them up is one of the basic video editing functions you will need to master in DaVinci Resolve 17. If you may need to split a piece of footage directly on the timeline—to break up a lengthy interview into sound bites or apply an effect to just part of a clip, for instance—then this is the tutorial for you. Today, we’ll look at how you can split a single clip and multiple clips, and even how to rejoin split clips in DaVinci Resolve. 

Splitting & Rejoining Clips in DaVinci Resolve

1. Split a Single Clip

Ensure you’ve imported your media and have a clip on your timeline that you’d like to split. If you need some footage, you can grab some stock video from Motion Array

  1. Select the Blade tool, or press the keyboard shortcut B, to split a clip in the desired spot. 
  2. You can also use Timeline > Split Clip or the shortcut Command or Ctrl+\ or Cmd+\ or Ctrl+B or Cmd+B.

Keep in mind that you’re able to blade or split a clip while playing back your project on the timeline. You will now see your clip has split. You can now move one half to another part of your project or simply delete—whatever your goal was for splitting the clip in the first place. 

2. Split Multiple Clips on Different Tracks

Now, let’s say you wanted to split multiple video and audio clips on different tracks at the same time. Here’s how to do that. 

  1. With clips stacked on top of each other, select both clips that you want to split. Note: If the track selector is turned on for each track you want to split, you don’t have to select the clips.
  2. Then, move the playhead to the place where you want to make multiple changes, and press Command or Control + \, or go to Timeline > Split Clip.  

All of the video and audio clips you selected should be split now. What’s great about splitting multiple clips at the same time, is that it can help save you time instead split each one individually. This is especially handy if you want to create a part one or two of a longer video project. 

3. Rejoining Split Clips

If later on, you decide that you didn’t need to split a clip, you can rejoin it quickly and easily. 

  1. Select the edit point between two clips you have a split.
  2. Go to Timeline > Join Clip or use the keyboard shortcut Option or Alt + \
  3. Alternatively, right-click and select Delete Through Edit.

Now the clip will become reattached and return to its original state! With that all figured out, take a look at this beginner workflow guide that will help you with the rest of your video edit!

In this short tutorial, we looked at multiple ways that you can split a clip in DaVinci Resolve and how to rejoin them at a later point. This is an essential skill to learn if you want to make some cuts directly on the timeline. Do you have a particular workflow for working with large clips? Share in the comments below.