10 Websites Every Filmmaker Should Know About

Filmmaking 25/08/2019 5 min read
10 Websites Every Filmmaker Should Know About.jpg

There are lots of different types of filmmakers in the world. There are those on a quest to make the next Hollywood blockbusters and the ones who are pouring their passion into a gripping documentary. There are the ones making viral videos on YouTube and the ones who are carving out a living creating content for businesses and charities.

If you are one of the above or a filmmaker of a whole different subset, there is something in this list that you should be reading. Today we explore 10 websites every filmmaker should know about.

1. Filmmaker IQ

Filmmaker IQ is a great resource for learning about the art and science of making films. They’ve built a great library of interactive courses covering everything from “the evolution of non linear editing” to “the science and history of popcorn”, yes….popcorn.

Courses are interactive, with video lectures, supporting materials, and awards in the form of completion badges. And, they are all free with an account.

Additionally, Filmmaker IQ houses articles and forums for extra discussion. Just the right combination of fun and education make Filmmaker IQ worthwhile for any filmmaker.

2. Art Of The Guillotine

AOTG is, in a nutshell, a boatload of post-production information that’s community-sourced. The resource is so deep that it’s best to just hit the explore tab and dive in. AOTG has its own articles in categories like editing, sound, and VFX. They also source posts from tons of great relevant industry blogs.

The AOTG TV section features insightful video interviews and panels with filmmakers, and the discussion section allows users to get into the action in conversation form. And then there is the extensive resources section with links to all kinds of tools for filmmakers to work with.

Art of The Guillotine is a lot to take in, but it’s worth the energy.

3. Production Hub

The name says a lot here. Production Hub is one of the premier spots online to find crew, talent, and equipment for your next film project. Or, if you are on the other side of the coin, it’s a great place to get involved with a project in the works.

There are fees involved for posting jobs or promoting yourself, but it’s free to search the site to find your own crew.

There are also classifieds, event listings, Q&A, and a training section. Production Hub is an important stop on the crew search, but they have a lot more to offer as well.

4. No Film School

Really, what good is Film school when you have the internet? No Film School aims to at least bring a little truth to that concept with their insightful articles on everything related to the film industry.

Look for posts on news, gear reviews, interviews with filmmakers and crew, and highlights of great film work. Regular check-ins will ensure that you have your finger on the pulse of filmmaking.

Can’t find the article you were hoping for? No Film School also features a discussion section for a little community assistance.

5. Indie Film Hustle

Indie Film Hustle is all about budget filmmaking. First off, they have a free low-budget filmmaking video training any independent filmmaker might need.

But they also have podcasts on DIY projects for writing kick-ass scripts, courses, and film festival hacks. If you are making a film or thinking about making one with a tight budget, look no further than Indie Film Hustle to help you pinch your pennies.

6. Film Riot

If you are sometimes guilty of wanting to watch YouTube videos instead of spending a bunch of time reading up on film techniques, you are in luck. Film Riot offers up great educational filmmaking tid-bits in a short and sweet online video format.

The show is hosted by Ryan Connolly with great production value, high entertainment value, and the magic of secretly teaching you things while you are being entertained.

Expect to learn everything from audio and video syncing, to tips for shooting outdoors, to visual FX techniques. Even if you aren’t in the process of creating a film, Film Riot will entertain you and maybe inspire your next project.

7. Ink Tip

Filmmaker Site | Ink Tip

So you are a visual thinker and that’s great, but who’s writing your script? Enter Ink Tip to help solve that problem.

Whether you are looking for a writer, a completed script, or you are looking to sell your own script, Ink Tip is the crossroads of writers and filmmakers.

Along with their scripting services, Ink Tip offers resources like event listings and an industry site database.

8. DVX User

Filmmaker Site | DVX User

DVX User is a no frills forum for filmmakers. It’s a plain and simple place to talk amongst peers about all things related to filmmaking.

Here you’ll find several categories for different camera types, production and post production tools, and gear classifieds.

You can also view other’s work in the “Screening Room”, or take a break in the off-topic section. This is a place to connect, ask questions, and share your own wisdom with the world.

9. Filmmaker.com

Filmmaker Site | Filmmaker.com

No need to stick to a single forum. Filmmaker.com is another great and rich forum for discussing the ins and outs of making films.

Their sections are ordered slightly differently than DVX User, with topics such as “Film School”, “Actor’s Studio” and “Director’s Forum.” But that’s not all. They also offer up classifieds and event listings. Also worth checking out are their interviews and their annotated list of film schools.

The best thing a filmmaker can do is connect with like-minded individuals, and Filmmaker.com is a good way to do just that.

10. Cinephilia & Beyond

Cinephilia & Beyond is a love letter to the art of filmmaking. Filled with in-depth explorations of classic movies and broken out by topics like “Screenwriting”, “Editing”, or “Documentary”, you won’t be able to leave this site without reading just one more article.

Perhaps the “Beyond” refers to the excellent blog that aggregates much of the other great film-related content on the web so you don’t have to. Go ahead and cancel plans for the weekend as you’ll be spending a lot of time here.

In the ever-changing world of filmmaking, it helps to have a great understanding of the fundamentals while keeping a pulse on the future. These are just some of the sites that will get you a leg up in both categories. Let us know which sites you frequent for filmmaking magic in the comments.