Should I Go To Film School?

Filmmaking 02/12/2019 2 min read
Should I Go To Film School

So you want to be a filmmaker, and you’re wondering if you should go to film school. Don’t. Okay, this may sound like strange advice, and you may be asking, “who do we think we are to give this advice?”

Good question. Maybe we aren’t qualified to give that kind of advice, but there are several people out there who are, including directors like Kevin Smith and Richard Linklater.

If you want to make films for a living, we can’t tell you whether film school is right for you or if it’s worth the money, but it would be worthwhile for you to watch these videos before you decide. They might just help you make a decision, or at least better weigh your options.

Richard Linklater on Being a Self-Taught Filmmaker

Richard Linklater is a well-respected filmmaker with some big films under his belt, including Dazed & Confused, and Boyhood. Here’s what he has to say about not going to film school.

Should I Go To Film School? (Ask IFHT)

Matt Dennison may not be as famous as Richard Linklater, but he is a professional filmmaker, who’s been at it for 8 years. And the films on his YouTube channel IFHT are approaching 50 million views. So, he must be doing something right.

Here’s his take on film school, which is worth taking a look at.

Everything I Learned in Film School in Under 3 Minutes

Mikey Gleason is a comedian and film school graduate. This gives him a different perspective than a self-taught filmmaker like Linklater, but his message is still the same.

Here he breaks down his entire film education in a funny 3-minute video. Look at all the time you just saved.

Kevin Smith on film school

Speaking of funny people, we now turn our attention to director Kevin Smith, a guy who is known for his funny films about the average life.

He’s made a number of hit films, and while he does say that film school can be useful for someone like a DP or a grip, he feels like writing and directing is something you have to learn on your own.

Check out his 8-minute rant on the subject below.

Pros and Cons of Going to Film School

Here’s one last video about the pros and cons of film school from a UA graduate. The interview subject explains all the reasons for both sides of the question and leaves it to you to decide if it is worth it for you.

So, there you have it. Don’t go to film school! We didn’t say it. The people above did. You have to decide what’s best for you. Maybe film school does make sense for your path but remember the other side of this point is that you can educate yourself and be successful without it.