How to write great voice-over scripts: Tips and tricks for video creators

Wave form next to a person in a recording studio

Voice-overs can make or break a video. Whether you’re creating a commercial, an explainer video, or just adding narration to your latest project, a well-crafted voice-over script is crucial.

With the rise of AI voice generators and text-to-speech tools, it’s never been easier to bring your scripts to life, but crafting the perfect script still requires a bit of finesse.

In this post, we’ll dive into some key tips and tricks to help you write great voice-over scripts that connect with your audience and enhance your videos.

Understand your audience

Before you start writing, you need to know who you’re writing for. Understanding your target audience is the first step in crafting a voice-over script that resonates. Are you creating a video for a corporate audience, or is your content aimed at a younger, more casual crowd? The tone and style of your script should reflect this.

For example, a formal tone is more appropriate for a corporate explainer video like this one from Salesforce. 

Notice how the script is clear, concise, and to the point, using professional language that matches the target audience.

On the flip side, a lively, upbeat tone works better for something like a YouTube promo video, such as Dollar Shave Club’s viral ad.

Here, the script is humorous, casual, and full of personality — perfect for the brand’s audience. Tailoring your tone to fit your audience ensures that your message is heard and understood.

Keep it simple and concise

When it comes to voice-over scripts, less is often more. Keeping your script simple and concise helps your audience stay engaged and ensures that the voice-over artist can deliver a natural, easy-to-follow performance.

Clarity is key. Avoid using jargon or overly complex language that might confuse your audience. Remember, your script isn’t meant to be read — it’s meant to be heard. A good rule of thumb is to write like you’re explaining something to a friend. This keeps your language natural and accessible.

For example, instead of writing, “The software solution offers a wide array of functionalities that enhance operational efficiency,” you could simplify it to, “Our software helps you work smarter and faster.” The message is clearer, more direct, and easier for the audience to grasp in a single listen.

Write for the ear, not the eye

Writing a script for a voice-over is different from writing text that’s meant to be read on-screen or paper. When you’re writing for the ear, you need to consider how the words will sound when spoken aloud.

One key aspect is natural language flow. Spoken language is often more relaxed and conversational than written language, with shorter sentences and more informal expressions. Also, consider pacing and timing. Your script should allow for natural pauses, giving the audience time to absorb the information and the voice-over artist room to emphasize key points.

A pro example is the Apple Watch Series 7 Introduction video.

In this video, the script is carefully crafted with short, punchy sentences that are easy to follow and clearly spoken. The pacing is spot on, with natural pauses that give the viewer time to absorb the information.

The language is conversational and straightforward, making it an excellent example of writing for the ear rather than the eye. The visuals complement the script perfectly, highlighting key features while the voice-over drives the narrative in a natural and engaging way.

Add creative elements

A great voice-over script doesn’t just share information but also engages the audience emotionally. One way to do this is by incorporating creative elements like humor or emotion into your script.

Humor can make your script more relatable and memorable, especially for more casual or consumer-facing content. On the other hand, emotional cues can help convey the tone and mood of your message, making it more impactful.

For instance, in a script for a heartfelt charity appeal, you might use softer language and emotionally charged words to connect with the audience’s empathy. On the other hand, a fun, playful tone might work better for a promotional video for a new product launch.

Creative storytelling is another powerful tool. Even in a short script, think of your voice-over as telling a mini-story. This helps keep your audience engaged from start to finish.

Tips for writing for AI voiceovers

With the growing popularity of AI voice generators and text-to-speech tools, more and more creators are using these technologies to add voice-overs to their videos. While AI can be a powerful tool, it also comes with its own set of challenges.

First, it’s important to understand the limitations of AI voiceovers. AI can find overly complex sentences or unusual phrasing more challenging, so it’s better to keep your script simple and straightforward.

Avoid long, winding sentences that might trip up the AI; instead, use short, clear sentences that are easy for to process.

You can also enhance AI delivery by writing scripts that sound more natural when spoken by an AI voice. For instance, using contractions like “it’s” instead of “it is” can make the AI voice sound more conversational and human-like. Similarly, incorporating natural pauses and varying the sentence structure can help create a more dynamic and engaging AI voiceover.

Revise and refine

Writing a great voice-over script is a process, and revision is a critical part of that process. Once you’ve written your script, take the time to review and refine it. This is where you can catch any awkward phrasing, ensure the pacing feels right, and make sure your message is coming through clearly.

It’s also helpful to get feedback from others. If possible, share your script with a voice-over artist or a colleague and ask for their input. They might catch things you’ve missed or suggest ways to improve the script.


Writing a great voice-over script takes practice, but by following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to crafting scripts that elevate your videos and bring your ideas to life. Remember, whether you’re using a professional voice-over artist or going for a more affordable voiceover resource, the key is writing clear, engaging, and tailored scripts for your audience.