The power of voice: Uncover the benefits of voiceover for your videos

Post Production Creative Assets Home 19/09/2024 5 min read

Ever wondered why some videos stick with you long after you’ve watched them? The secret might be right in your ears. Voiceovers have the incredible ability to transform your video content from good to unforgettable. But what exactly is a voice over, and why is it so important?

A voice over is a narration technique where a voice speaks over the visuals in a video, adding commentary, explanation, or storytelling. Unlike on-screen dialogue or background music, a voiceover guides the viewer through the content, adding depth and context to what they’re seeing.

In this blog we’ll dive into the world of video voice over and explore how this powerful tool can elevate your content, engage your audience, and boost your video’s impact. Discover why voiceovers are a game-changer and how to harness their potential in your own projects.

Enhance your storytelling

Picture this: A beautifully shot video of a serene landscape. Now, add a warm, engaging voice guiding you through the scene, sharing insights and stories. Suddenly, that landscape becomes a story, an experience.

That’s the magic of voiceovers. They breathe life into your visuals, creating a narrative thread that keeps viewers hooked from start to finish. A well-crafted voiceover can evoke emotions, build suspense, or provide clarity in ways that visuals alone simply can’t match.

Take the hugely popular Sir David Attenborough, for example. His iconic voice and narration style are now closely identified with wildlife documentaries and natural exploration. His videos show some of nature’s most astounding creatures and complex scientific topics. Through his voiceovers, he has set the gold standard for storytelling and become a trusted guide, leading viewers through intricate concepts with ease.

Clarify your message

Ever watched a video and felt lost, struggling to grasp the main point? That’s where voiceovers shine. They act as a bridge between your visuals and your message to ensure that your audience doesn’t just see, but truly understands.

Imagine you’re creating a video about a new tech product. Your visuals might showcase its sleek design and features, but a well-timed voiceover can explain how those features translate into real-world benefits for the user. It’s this combination of what viewers see and hear that drives home your message.

The key is to sync your voiceover perfectly with your visuals. When done right, it creates a seamless experience where audio and video complement each other, reinforcing your key points and making your content more memorable.

Samsung do an amazing job at this. Try watching this product launch video on mute, then again with the voiceover. See how it’s a completely different and much clearer experience? The voiceover also keeps the audience entertained and helps explain the new product features. 

Build your brand identity: Your voice, your brand

Think about some of the most iconic brands you know. Chances are, you can probably recall their visual logo, but can you hear their voice? A consistent voiceover style across your video content can become just as recognizable as your visual branding.

Take Apple’s product videos, for example. The calm, authoritative voiceover has become a signature element of their brand identity. It exudes confidence, simplicity, and innovation — all core values of the Apple brand.

By carefully selecting the right voice and tone for your voiceovers, you’re not just narrating content, you’re crafting a sonic identity for your brand that resonates with your audience and sets you apart from the competition.

Boost engagement and retention

Here’s a stat that might surprise you: According to a study by Wistia, videos with voiceovers have an average engagement rate of 73%, compared to just 62% for videos without. That’s a significant boost in viewer attention and retention.

But why? It all comes down to how our brains process information. When we combine auditory and visual input, we’re engaging multiple senses, which helps us absorb and retain information more effectively. A voiceover guides the viewer’s attention, highlighting key points and maintaining their focus throughout the video.

This is particularly powerful for educational content, product demonstrations, or any video where you’re trying to convey complex information. The voiceover acts as a teacher, breaking down difficult concepts and ensuring your message sticks.

Accessibility and inclusivity: Reach every viewer

In our diverse world, making your content accessible to as many people as possible isn’t just good practice — it’s essential. Voiceovers play a crucial role in making your videos more inclusive and reaching a wider audience.

For viewers with visual impairments, a well-crafted voiceover can provide crucial context and description, allowing them to fully engage with your content. It’s not just about describing what’s on screen, but about creating a rich, immersive experience through sound.

But the benefits don’t stop there. Voiceovers also open up opportunities for localization. By creating versions of your voiceover in different languages, you can expand your reach globally, connecting with audiences across cultures and languages. 

How to voice over a video

Ready to add the power of voiceover to your videos? Here’s how to get started:

Tools and software: Your voiceover toolkit

You don’t need a professional studio to create great voiceovers. With the right tools, you can produce high-quality audio right from your home or office. Check out this comprehensive guide for a detailed breakdown of audio from pre-production to AI voiceover.

Crafting the perfect script

A great voiceover starts with a great script. It’s not just about what you say, but how you say it. 

Here are 5 tips for writing an effective voiceover script:

  1. Start with a clear structure: Outline your main points and organize them logically. This helps your script flow well and makes the information easier to understand.
  2. Write for the ear, not the eye: Use conversational language and short, simple sentences. Avoid complex vocabulary and use contractions like you’re rather than you are. 
  3. Time your script carefully: Read it aloud and adjust as needed to fit the intended duration. Remember that professional voice actors typically read at about 150 words per minute.
  4. Use active voice and strong verbs: This makes your script more engaging and easier to follow. Instead of “The product was designed by our team,” say “Our team designed the product.”
  5. Include pauses and emphasis points: Mark places where the voice actor should pause or emphasize certain words. 

Get even more advice on how to create amazing voiceover scripts in this article.

DIY vs. professional vs. AI

When it comes to recording your voiceover, you have three main options:

  1. DIY: With some practice and the right equipment, you can record your own voiceovers. This gives you complete control and can add a personal touch to your videos. However, voiceover acting is definitely an art form, so a little experience and quality equipment will go a long way. 
  2. Professional voice actor: For a polished, high-quality result, consider hiring a professional. They bring expertise in delivery and can level up your content. On the other hand, it can be time-consuming and expensive to find the right actor and record the voiceovers. 
  3. AI voiceover: New technology has made AI voiceovers an affordable, accessible, and fast option for video creators. The quality can vary from platform to platform so be sure to pick a realistic and high-quality option. Good AI voiceover generators will provide the flexibility to adjust pacing and tone easily to ensure that the narration matches the visual content perfectly.

You might want to try some of these options:

  • Artlist: Known for its extensive music and SFX library, Artlist also offers high-quality AI voiceovers that integrate smoothly into your creative workflow.
  • Descript: Descript’s AI voiceovers are designed for easy editing, allowing creators to fine-tune voiceovers as part of an all-in-one audio and video editing platform.
  • offers diverse voices and accents, perfect for creators looking to add an international flair to their videos.

Each approach has its pros and cons, so consider your budget, time constraints, and the specific needs of your project when making your choice.

Wrapping up

Adding a voiceover to your video isn’t just about filling silence — it’s about elevating your content, engaging your audience, and telling your story in the most impactful way possible. Whether you’re creating educational content, marketing materials, or entertainment, a well-crafted voiceover can be the secret ingredient that takes your video from good to the best.

Remember, the power of voice is in your hands. With the right approach, tools, and practice, you can harness the benefits of voiceovers to create videos that truly resonate with your audience.