How to Duplicate Elements in Premiere Pro Templates

Motion Array Premiere Pro 10/01/2019 < 1 min read
Premiere Pro Duplicate Elements

From time-to-time, you might find yourself with the need to duplicate different elements inside a downloaded Premiere Pro template. Most prominently in cases where you’ve downloaded a certain template and want to use the element throughout your project but need to change an element in it slightly (like text).

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to easily duplicate elements inside of our Premiere Pro templates. For example, if you like a specific title animation and you want to use it over and over again in your project, this tutorial will show you how.

How to Import a Template to Duplicate Elements

To duplicate template content, the easiest solution is to import the template into the project again. Unfortunately, simply duplicating the content won’t do the trick because of the nested sequences within.

  1. Navigate to File, then Import. Find your Premiere Pro template and choose Import
  2. Inside the Import pop-up window, you’re going to want to choose Import Entire Project, Create Folder for Imported Files and Allow Importing Duplicate Media.
  3. Once those are all checked, click OK

Now you should have an entirely new instance of the same template in your master project. You can do this as many times as you’d like to get as many copies of the elements as you want.

We hope you enjoyed this tutorial on how to duplicate elements in Premiere Pro templates. It’s a pretty quick fix, so you should be back to your video edit in no time!