Hi. I’m Tyler.

Motion Array 26/02/2019 2 min read
Founders Introduction

Hello. Hello. Hello.

My name is Tyler Williams and I am one of the co-founders of Motion Array. Now that we’re getting our new blog in order and I’ll be posting frequently, I figured I’d say hello and tell you a little more about myself.

I grew up in Atlanta and attended the Atlanta College of Art where I earned my bachelor’s degree in video. When I say “degree in video,” I mean, “video as fine art.” When I say “video as fine art,” I mean, “video installations, etc.” And, when I say “video installations,” I really mean, “Starving artist. Never going to find a job. Oh, the student loans!”

Ha, not really the last part. Though I do have strong opinions regarding art school, and they’re not good.

In the process of learning about video installations, Bill Viola, and a whole bunch of other uselessness, I learned how to shoot and edit video and, more importantly, I was introduced to Adobe After Effects. The two of us have been great friends ever since, so I suppose art school wasn’t a complete waste.

After graduating, I took a job at a post-production studio as a motion graphics designer. The owner hired me based on a stop-motion
music video I created my senior year. This music video was one that I almost didn’t make because it was looked down upon by my professor. I suppose music videos were too mainstream and commercial for her, but hey, it got me the job.

At the studio, I quickly realized how unqualified I was for the position, but I hung in there and managed to improve and develop my craft. I even stumbled into some BDAs for some of my work. Not to brag or anything though.

While at the studio, I began creating stock animations and After Effects templates on the side as a way to earn extra income. The fact of the matter is that I really wanted to buy a new video camera, but my wife wouldn’t let me, and for good reason. Our daughter had just been born, and extra money was non-existent. But in the long run, I earned enough extra money from my templates to buy the camera. Canon 5D. I still have it.

I never imagined some six years later that I would be creating After Effects templates and other stock animations full-time, or that I’d be the co-founder of one of the leading After Effects template marketplaces. It’s been a ton of work, and I feel both proud and blessed.

Aside from motion graphics and the like, I enjoy dreaming up business ideas and trying my hand at coding, but absolutely nothing beats playing with my daughter, making her laugh, and just spending time with the fam.

But, enough about me. Please introduce yourself.