Motion Array Introduces Producer Profile Pages

Motion Array 14/11/2018 2 min read
Producer Profiles

Hey guys, just a quick FYI that Motion Array has re-jigged its producer profile pages, making it easier than ever to follow and rate the producers you love.

Now whenever you land on a producer’s profile page, you can expect to find something that looks a little like this with the producer’s name, pic, as well the option to follow, message, or rate them.

But most importantly, you’ll be able to see all of their products in one place, making it way faster to locate and sift through the work of artists you love.

How to Use Producer Profile Pages

Simply tap the ‘Follow’ button so that next time you’re perusing Motion Array marketplace.

Once you’re following a producer, then all you need to do slide the mouse over to the ‘Sort by’ tab, select ‘People I follow’ then select the producer whose work you want to look through. Easy. Peasy.

Another important aspect of our producer profile pages is the option to leave reviews for producers whose products you’ve paid to download. As artists yourselves, you know how hard it is to get the recognition your creative talents deserve.

Well, it’s the exact same story for motion graphics artists, musicians, and videographers. They work crazy hard to create amazing products that you and I can download for next to nothing or, in the case of our Unlimited Library, for nothing at all. So if there’s a producer whose work you dig, why not give them a quick shout out on their producer page.

And if you have any questions, feedback, or just wanna say “Heeyyyyy!” to one of your fave producers, you can totally do that too.

The ‘Message’ button featured on each profile page is designed to keep you kids connected and ensure that all of y’all are getting the support you need to keep making them bomb diggidy videos. Just note that in order to contact a producer, you will need to be subscribed as an active paying member of Motion Array.

Regardless of whether you’re someone who creates or consumes our products, we want each and every one of you to feel part of the Motion Array family. And hopefully, with our sweet new producer profile pages, we’ll inch a lil’ bit closer to that goal.

Now go on and get connecting!