Producer Spotlight: Digital Wind

Motion Array 15/09/2019 4 min read
Producer Spotlight Digital Wind

It’s time to highlight another one of our talented creators at Motion Array. Today, we are going to chat with producer Digital Wind. His work is excellent and wide-ranging. He has put a lot of effort into the projects that he shares on Motion Array, and it’s paid off.

Here is some of the advice that he has for other producers and artists trying to find their way in the industry.

Please tell us a little about yourself.

Greetings to your readers, my name is Sergey Dyachenko, I’m a man of the computer industry in the broadest sense. I was into computers for years. I graduated from Technical University. In the middle of learning, I realized that it was not enough to just have the technical component of the work.

I needed a space for creativity, and I found it as a photographer. Then I managed projects and had an information portal on the internet. Over time, it became too much about static images and I had many different experiences that I wanted to apply in a different format. So I arrived to CGI.

How long did you work in After Effects and Premiere Pro, and how long have you been doing templates?

I am a beginner CG artist, and I’ve only worked a year in After Effects. I used Premiere Pro earlier with my work as a photographer and videographer. But I began to actively use Premiere Pro just a few months ago. Motion Array prompted the decision. I thought, “How can I be useful to colleagues – videographers and different studios?”

Do you mostly create After Effects and Premiere Pro templates for your work, or do you do other work with clients, as well?

Now I mainly work on creating templates, as it gives a certain degree of freedom of action and you immediately see the response of people to your work. If people like my project and they want to apply it to their project, they buy it. What could be better? I also do freelance project management and video work. I am studying 3D graphics and in the future I hope to do content for virtual and augmented reality.

Where do you find inspiration for your design work?

The inspiration for the work, I find it absolutely everywhere. We are surrounded by ideas. All people. Design and video are used everywhere. I watch a lot of movies. I draw a lot from life around me. After all, this is an area of work where it is necessary to know everything, and most importantly, to be able to combine a lot of elements together. This is comparable to writing music. All sounds must be in harmony.

Who are some of your favorite artists, designers, filmmakers, musicians, etc?

I would not single out someone specifically. We now live in an age with a lot of really talented people. The internet and access to information networks allow you to see the best in the world.

I can say one thing, cinema has strongly influenced my views. Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, Harry Potter, and other great movies have shown that, by combining imagination and technology, a person can create truly unique new worlds. This is the next level of exchange of experiences after books. Of course, without music, I would not be able to keep the rhythm of active development.

How did you end up producing templates for Motion array? What do you love about the platform?

I chose Motion Array from many platforms because of its unique sales system, nice design, and above all, thanks to two people whose approach works wonders. This is Tyler and Eri. Thank you guys, you are always there.

All problems can be solved. If I make a mistake, I can talk to them about it. If I ask for advice, they will listen. I put my skills and now a year’s time into Motion Array, and I’m going to continue in the future. We are like one big family!

I can say that I try to create as much variety of work as I can on the site. I am creating a portfolio so that the users can find everything they need a little more easily.

What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not working?

My passions are many and they are mobile, I try as much as possible to diversify my experiences. I play musical instruments like guitar, flute, harp, and Tibetan singing bowls. And I try new things. I’m learning to draw and learning economics and new technologies.

What advice can you give to someone getting started?

This is an area where everything does not depend on your knowledge of the programs, but also on real-life experiences. Go for a walk, take photos. You’ll learn how to frame and compose visual stories.

Think about how you can be most useful, and create projects on this basis. Think about discipline. Set goals and objectives. Study everything. Do not be afraid. Break your learning into small parts and in the end, you’ll learn everything you need.

What else do you want us to know?

I want to say the one secret to succeeding in this field is to work hard and stay disciplined. My average working day is 15 hours. The results come slowly. But people will appreciate your work. Thanks to the website and all of the great users.

Check out some of the great projects and assets that Digital Wind has on Motion Array. Sergey also has a Facebook page if you want to connect with him.

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