Producer Spotlight: Treedeo

Motion Array 16/02/2019 5 min read
Producer Spotlight Treedeo

Treedeo has been creating some great After Effects templates for us recently. So, we wanted to learn a little more about them. Unlike a lot of our individual producers, Treedeo is a studio who is harnessing the power of multiple artists to create work. Check out how they got started and how they see working as a studio is a benefit to the overall quality of their work.

Please tell us a little about how the studio got started and how many people work in the studio.

Treedeo studio began work in 2013. We paid attention to Istockphoto as we searched for video materials for our clients. We thought that it was an excellent idea! We could also become authors and sell our work. We thought it and then we did it. We began recording videos for stock uses. Then, we started creating projects for After Effects. Nowadays, between 5 and 8 people work at the studio.

Do you work exclusively in stock assets and templates or do you also handle client work? If so, what types of client projects do you take on?

Nowadays, our main work is stock photo and video, together with creating After Effects templates. We rarely work with clients, we usually try to take composed projects. These projects let us discover wonderful things and experiment. They can increase our professional skills. We grow constantly, giving ourselves new and difficult tasks. Work with clients can be quite hard, as we are always limited by deadlines, budgets and clients’ wishes. So if we do client work, we work with good budgets and interesting projects.

What are the disciplines within the studio? Animation, audio, video, etc.

We mostly do 3D animation, visual effects, and video. We buy sounds from audio producers or order them from sound studios. Probably in the future we will have our own sound design department, but right now, our studio is rather small for it.

Where do you find inspiration for the work you create?

We are surrounded by inspiration everywhere: in music, on the streets, in nature. Sometimes ideas and thoughts seem to appear by themselves.

Of course, we look at other authors as well 🙂 We find interesting work from Behance, Motion Array, and other sources, but think we think of new ways to approach things and begin to do it.

“In previous times, artists were inspired by nature, by wonderful plays of light, by clouds, reflections in the water, and the night sky. Now they take inspiration from the internet.”

Looking at millions of pictures and images, combining them, and creating something wonderful and new. That’s it, the digital world.

Why did you decide to start a studio versus working independently?

Being the founder of the studio, I can say that was my dream. Of course, we can work independently, and there are many talented guys working on their own, but a studio is a different thing. There is the possibility of teamwork with other people, their art, and ideas. Sometimes I enter the office with a brilliant idea, share it with my team, and in 15 minutes I realize that my idea has become even brighter and more beautiful. Teamwork brings the possibility to create some really beautiful things. One person cannot be talented in everything.

“One can create visual effects while others are able to draw or create 3D animation, etc. And when you collect this creative puzzle, a wonderful picture appears!”

What advice would you give to someone trying to create a studio of their own?

It is not easy to create your own studio. You should understand clearly why you need it and for what. As the studio consists of creative people, you should be ready to face many different problems. You should be a good psychologist, you should understand people and be able to believe in them. You should be stress-resistant. The problems can appear spontaneously.

Once, I lost all my team and found myself alone. It happened because of one of the designers who thought that he could create his own studio, and he hired the others for his project. I had to search for new people.

Once, I hired a very expensive professional in terms of salary, and it was my mistake, as he worked very slowly. So we couldn’t take more projects. I spent too much money with very minimal results. I fired him, but I lost my precious time. Though I gained useful experience.

I can give only one piece of advice – never give up, even if things get hard! Follow your dreams. Learn to accept your mistakes, and you’ll get the right conclusions. And if you need to make a decision, even if you don’t like it, make it. Be firm and self-assured.

What brought you to Motion Array, and how do you like your experience so far as MA producers?

We began working with MA not long ago. For now, we are studying and learning from the projects. But we like new and unknown things. We’re trying to support it with interesting work of our own. We hope that we can help Motion Array to develop further.

What sorts of things do you do when you aren’t working for fun?

I don’t know, we try to do everything for pleasure. We don’t do things we dislike.

Do you have any good resources to share for education, inspiration, or design tools?

It’s mostly Behance and some other artistic sites known by many digital artists.

And any final thoughts?

Lastly, I can say only one thing. Create and make new things! Unfortunately, many people think of stock photo and video banks as the opportunity to gain fast money. That is why numerous copies of successful projects appear, or people sell projects of others as their own. You shouldn’t do it, as it won’t bring you money and fame.

Now there are many projects on stock sites with high competition. You should create your own unique and interesting things to reach the top and begin earning money. Then you’ll get more chances to earn!

“Clients don’t need copies of one thing, they need variety and quality.”

Don’t try to get fast money, spend your time, and create your own unique project to be noticed and purchased. You can also help Motion Array to attract new clients. New clients mean new purchases! Good luck! We wish you much success!