How to Use the Slicer Plugins for Premiere Pro CC

Motion Array Premiere Pro 10/02/2020 3 min read
Slicer Transition Plugins Tutorial

Remember the classic intro title sequence from Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho? Ever wanted to include that style of sliced text in your own videos? Look no further, because the Adobe Premiere Pro Slicer plugin is here to let you do exactly that. Carve up your footage and text and animate it in an awesome way using this very easy plugin with seven different variations. 

Let’s jump right in and learn how to use the Slicer plugin for Premiere Pro.

Slicer Transition Plugin Tutorial

Step 1: Install the Plugin

Before you do anything else, you’ll need to download and install the plugin. You’ll need to use the Motion Array Plugin Installer for this, so get that downloaded, find the relevant plugin, and log in to your Motion Array account. You can learn how to do this in more detail in our tutorial on how to install Motion Array plugins.

Step 2: Add to Your Timeline

Once your project is prepared, and you have the plugin installed and ready to use, let’s take a look at what you can actually do with it.

  1. Go to your Effects panel. 
  2. Under Video Transitions, you should see a folder labeled Slicer.
  3. Inside, you’ll see seven variations of the effect: Bounce, Ease In, Ease In and Out, Ease Out, Elastic In, Elastic Out, and Stutter.
  4. Drag and drop your chosen variation onto the timeline at the beginning, end, or cut point of your clip.

And that’s it! Instant slice effect. But there’s much more you can do to customize these and make them perfect for your titles or lower thirds. 

Step 3: Customize the Effect

To customize the effect, go up to Effect Controls and you should see a list of parameters you can alter. Take some time to explore these options and adjust them to your liking. Let’s break down what each one does.


Slices dictates the number of finish segments the asset will be broken into. You can key in a specific number or drag the slider up to a maximum of 50. The higher the number, the more slices the asset will be made of.


Use this parameter to change the angle of the slice. The default is horizontal, which is 0. Change it to 90 to get a vertical slice. Key in any number between to customize it to your liking.

Cross Direction

Check this box to reverse the direction of every other slice. If left unchecked, all the slices will move in the same direction.

Edge Feather

This works much the same as masks and assets in the rest of Adobe CC. The more feathered an edge is, the more the divisions between lines are blurred.

Random Start

This simple on/off checkbox dictates whether the slices move uniformly or in a more chaotic manner. Essentially, with Random Start turned off, the slices will start to move sequentially. With it turned on, the slices will move randomly. Try previewing both to see which one you prefer. 

Random Seed

If Random Start is switched on, Random Seed will cycle through different random positions. 

Motion Blur

This is a simple on/off checkbox to give the movement a realistic blur or not.

Motion Blur Amount

If you do decide to add motion blur to your slices, you can change how much they are blurred using this parameter.


Mirror takes the edge of the footage and applies it as a reflection to create a stylish effect that blends naturally with your footage.

The best thing for you to do is simply download and install the plugin and start playing around with it to find the effect that best suits your project. Use the parameters to completely customize the effect, and change where you put the effect on the clip to determine whether it’s a transition or just a cool effect.

You can also apply it to footage as well as titles, so try using it at specific moments in your scenes to emphasize a particular emotion or theme. For more creative inspiration on how to use the Slicer plugin for Adobe Premiere Pro, check out our tutorial video!