Studio Spotlight: Method Studios is an Industry Powerhouse

Motion Design 30/05/2019 3 min read
Method Studios

We’ve featured a lot of great studios in our Studio Spotlights and today is no different. In the mix today is Method Studios, a fairly large operation with offices in Los Angeles, Vancouver, New York, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, London, Sydney and Melbourne, Method Studios has no shortage of talent for animation, motion graphics, and visual effects.

Let’s just get right to it, and take a look at some of the great work Method Studios has produced or been a part of over the years.

Work on Box Office Hits

Maybe you’ve heard of Guardians Of The Galaxy? It was just a little film that blew out the box offices in 2014. It was also not short on visual effects in any way. And Method Studios was to thank for a lot of it.

Guardians of the Galaxy Holograms

Between their offices in LA and London, Method produced over 170 VFX shots for the film with 140 artists involved. So, they played a pretty big part in the film.

Amongst the elements they worked on were cosmic backgrounds for the film set 1,000 years in the future, and holograms used in the final battle scene.

Guardians of the Galaxy Battle

Commercial Success


Of course, Method’s creatives are just as comfortable working on commercials. Take this spot created by the Method New York office for VOYA. Here Method perfectly melding beautiful live-action footage with even more beautiful CGI.

They had the tough task of not only incorporating 3D into the live plates, but they also had to create very organic elements like a caterpillar and butterfly, texture them with non-conventional textures (think dollar bills) and make it all look seamless. Of course, they pulled it off.

Ford Focus & Fusion

For Ford’s Focus and Fusion campaign, Method’s New York office was brought in for design and animation. They had the directive to connect with the Latin American market, so they developed a concept using CG elements based on Hispanic art and culture and tying them into a live-action world.

Method Studio Ford Focus

Again, the team did top-notch work on the 3D elements, incorporating vibrant colors and textures with realistic looking 3D.

Method Studio Ford Focus

Method Studios built two spots from start to finish that you can watch at their site.

Game of War

It’s interesting that we now live in a time where iPhone games are big enough to warrant high budget commercial spots. But we are, and Game of War is one of those games.

The Method Studios LA team handled this project that is built around a medieval world. Actually, Method Studios is the one building the medieval world.

Game of War commercial

A sweeping time-lapse shot is filled with beautiful CG building and landscapes in various stages of completion. The whole thing is highly detailed and perfectly timed. Just like everything Method Studios touches, it feels real. 

Game of War commercial

There is definitely no shortage of talent amongst the many Method Studios offices. And it’s clear to their clients as well, since they keep landing huge commercial and feature film work. Method Studios is the epitome of an American VFX and animation powerhouse. As they continue to pump out great, high-quality projects, we’ll continue to watch and enjoy them.