Artist Terms and Conditions

As of June 13, 2024

Artist Terms and Conditions

These Artist License Terms and Conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) constitute a legally binding agreement by and between Artlist Ltd and its affiliates, as applicable, and doing business as Motion Array (“Publisher") and you ("Author"), concerning Digital Media (as such term is defined below).

Grant of Rights

Author may submit certain digital media files (“Digital Media”) to Publisher from time to time, provided that these Terms and Conditions shall not be construed as creating an obligation on the part of the Author to submit such files.

In the event that Author submits Digital Media to Publisher and the Digital Media is accepted by Publisher as set forth below, Author hereby grants Publisher worldwide, perpetual rights to publish, copy, use, broadcast, make available to the public, display, alter, make derivative work, distribute, commercially use and otherwise exploit, the Digital Media, for the entire copyright term therein, in any and all media and formats now known and hereafter devised, and to license the rights in the Digital Media to platform users, subject to the users’ terms of use and license, as modified by the Publisher from time to time.

In addition to the rights stated above, Author hereby grants Publisher worldwide rights to license the Digital Media to third parties as part of tailor-made business licenses which may offer additional uses, expansion of rights or less restrictions, including, but not limited to, the right to use the Digital Media without synchronization or as stand-alone file, to include the Digital Media in any kind of collections, to grant third parties the right to sublicense the Digital Media to their users, clients or anyone on their behalf, and any other license, method, format or media the Publisher may decide (“Business License”).

Author hereby unconditionally and irrevocably waives the enforcement of “droit moral” rights, “moral rights of authors” or any other rights with respect to attribution of authorship or integrity relating to Digital Media. Publisher in its sole discretion may review Digital Media submitted by Author, provided that the foregoing provision shall not be construed as requiring any review or similar process to be conducted by Publisher. Publisher may reject Digital Media submitted by Author for any reason, including but not limited to quality or appropriateness issues, or for no reason.

Representations and Warranties

Author hereby represents and warrants that:

  1. Author is the sole author of the Digital Media and holds sole title and shall continue to hold sole title to the Digital Media and all Intellectual Property Rights related thereto. For purposes of these Terms and Conditions, “Intellectual Property Rights” shall mean all rights of authorship, all copyrights (including rights in applications or registrations), all rights of attribution and integrity and other moral rights, all rights of inventorship, all rights in patents and patent applications, all trademark rights (including rights in applications or registrations), all rights in trade secret and proprietary information, and all other intellectual property rights of any type.

  2. All information submitted by Author to Publisher, including but not limited to his/her country of residence, is true, complete and accurate.

  3. The Digital Media: i) do not infringe upon the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party; (ii) do not infringe on the privacy rights of any third party or any other legal right of any third party; and (iii) do not contain any false, misleading or libelous material.

  4. Author has not received notice of any suit, claim or demand that the Digital Media infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party, infringe on the privacy rights of any third party or any other legal right of any third party, or contain any false, misleading or libelous material. In the event that Author receives any such notice in the future, he/she will promptly notify Publisher of such suit, claim or demand.

  5. Author has full legal right, power and capacity to accept these Terms and Conditions and to submit Digital Media to Publisher, and neither the acceptance by Author of these Terms and Conditions, the submission of Digital Media by Author, the publishing of such Digital Media by Publisher, or the licensing of such Digital Media to third parties will violate any legal restrictions or obligations to which Author is subject, whether by contract, operation of law, or otherwise.


  1. Publisher agrees to pay a royalty fee to Author for downloads and/or Business Licenses, according to share allocation of each category detailed in the royalties rates formula page, which constitute an inseparable part of these Terms and Conditions. The rates allocation for downloads shall be based on monthly downloads of the Digital Media submitted by the Author and accepted by the Publisher, by each subscriber to the services of the Publisher on a paid basis (a “Subscriber”), relative to the total number of downloads by the Subscriber of Digital Media assets submitted by the Author and other Authors.

    The monthly net revenue for each asset category as specified in the formula page, earned by the Publisher from applicable subscription fees paid by its Subscribers, calculated according to the rates detailed in the royalties formula, less merchant fees and processing fees, will be allocated and distributed on a monthly basis to Author and to various other authors of materials downloaded or otherwise accessed by such Subscriber.

    The monthly net revenue for each asset category specified in the formula page, for Business License royalties shall be paid on a monthly basis, together with the payments stated above, according to the rate detailed in the royalties formula page, after deduction of merchant fees,processing fees and the offsetting of expenses involved in handling and providing service related to the Business License deals.

  2. No payments shall be made on files delivered for review, as preview files, or files designated as free files by Author at the time of upload by Author or thereafter. All files must be approved by the Publisher and files must be downloaded by a current member of Publisher before payment is calculated.

  3. Payment to the Author will be made by the fifteenth (15th) day of the following month via PayPal or Payoneer or any other payout system determined by the Publisher. All payments will be made in US dollars or any other currency determined by the Publisher. It is Author's responsibility to assign a payout system and provide the relevant payout information to Publisher before a payout is processed, the Publisher will not validate the payout information.

  4. Payments to Author may be subject to US or other withholding taxes based on the country of residence of Author, and of the residence of the Publisher and in accordance with the relevant tax treaty, if any. Alternatively, and/or as the case may be, the Author will be required to sign an electronic residency declaration according to which the Author declares that he/she is the resident of the country for tax purposes, and he/she is not a resident for tax purposes and do not have a permanent establishment in the Publisher’s incorporation country, according to the Publisher’s request. Author might be required to submit additional tax forms, approvals or any other documentation, as the case may be.

  5. The amount due to Author must equal or exceed Fifty US Dollars and No/100’s (USD$50.00) for the payment obligation of Publisher to become effective. If this amount is not met, the dollar amount due to Author will carry over to the next month until the foregoing amount has been reached.

  6. It is hereby clarified that several downloads of the same Digital Media by the same Subscriber will be considered as one download only (regardless of the number of times the same Subscriber downloads the specific Digital Media). It is also hereby clarified that the Author is prohibited from downloading his own Digital Media.

  7. The Author shall not submit to the Publisher any Digital Media which do not comply with the representation and warranties above mentioned. In the event of breach of these Terms and Conditions or violation of any of the representations and warranties mentioned above, the Publisher shall be entitled at its own discretion to terminate the Author account. The author shall compensate the Publisher for any damage it might suffer consequent upon violation of these Terms and conditions, by the Author, inclusive of the representation and warranties herein, and the Publisher shall be entitled to withhold any royalties and/or other compensation due to the Author as compensations for the damage occurred.

Withdrawal of Digital Media

  1. Author may request removal of individual Digital Media previously submitted by Author or request removal of all such Digital Media, in either event at his/her sole discretion and with or without cause, provided that such request may be made only on or after thirty (30) days after submission of such Digital Media by Author and publication of such work by Publisher. Such requests shall be in writing, and Publisher agrees to remove such Digital Media from public distribution no later than thirty (30) days of such request.

  2. Publisher may remove individual Digital Media previously submitted by Author or removal of all such Digital Media, in either event at its sole discretion and with or without cause.

  3. Withdrawal of Digital Media shall not affect the continuing validity of any license or other rights of use to such Digital Media that is granted by Publisher to the platform users or third parties prior to the effective date of withdrawal of such Digital Media.

Limitation of Liability

  1. Publisher is not liable for any loss suffered by the Author as a result of a buyer or any other person making use of Digital Media submitted by Author contrary to the terms of service in effect between Publisher and such person, if any.


Release of Liability; Indemnification

  1. Author hereby releases Publisher from any liability or any other responsibility relating to any claims, demands or suits related to the Digital Media or the Author.

  2. Author hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Publisher and its directors, officers, employees, agents, assigns, and successors-in-interest from and against any and all liability, damages, losses, claims, demands, actions, causes of action, costs (including attorneys’ fees and expenses) arising out of or relating to: (i) breach or alleged breach by Author of his/her representations, warranties or obligations hereunder; (ii) infringement or alleged infringement by the Digital Media of the Intellectual Property Rights or other rights of any third party; and (iii) arising out of or resulting from a reclassification or attempt to reclassify Author as an employee of Publisher.

Binding Nature; Assignment

These Terms and Conditions constitute a binding agreement between Publisher and Author, and shall bind the parties and their permitted heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assignees. These Terms and Conditions are personal to Author and may not be assigned or transferred by Author, whether by consent of Author or by operation of law. Publisher may assign these Terms and Conditions in its sole discretion, including but not limited to in connection with the sale or other transfer of all or substantially all of its assets or equity interests, whether by sale, merger or otherwise.

Governing Law; Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted, enforced and governed by the laws of the State of Israel, without regard to the choice of law rules of any country, state, province or other jurisdiction. All disputes relating to or regarding these Terms and Conditions or termination thereof shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel, and Author irrevocably consents to such personal jurisdiction and waives all objections thereto.


Publisher reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time and at any time at its sole discretion; such amendments such be effective upon the earlier of: i) Publisher providing notice to Author; and ii) the publication by Publisher of the amended Terms and Conditions on the Publisher web site.

Author agrees to never make use of any automated tools or any third party tool to view or access site data. This includes author statistics or to upload or delete uploaded content. 

Author agrees to allow registration of music assets to digital rights management systems, including YouTube Content ID (“Content ID”). To submit assets registered to Content ID, the Author hereby permits and accepts the following: (i) The Author must accurately report if a track is registered to a digital rights management service at the time of upload and specify which digital management service is being used (must be one in our system); (ii) If an asset was not published with Content ID originally, but the status has changed and the registration is completed thereafter, the Author must immediately update the submission to include this designation; (iii) Any content that was previously not registered to Content ID at the time of download will be permitted use without monetization restrictions, claims, or other potential issues.

    Author agrees to allow registration of music assets to Performance Rights Organizations (“P.R.O.”). Any track submitted with P.R.O. association must include the following information:

    • the name of the P.R.O. (must be one in our system)
    • the name of the composer
    • the name of the publisher (can be the same as the composer)
    • the name of the track as it was registered with the P.R.O.

    To submit assets registered to P.R.O, the Author hereby permits and accepts the following: i) Motion Array is not responsible for submitting, monitoring, or collecting royalties for any track registered with a P.R.O.; (ii) Any content that was previously not registered to P.R.O at the time of the members’ download will be permitted use without the requirement to pay royalties.


    1. Construction. The headings contained in these Terms and Conditions are for reference purposes only and shall not in any way affect the meaning or interpretation hereof. All references to sections shall refer to sections of these Terms and Conditions unless otherwise indicated.

    2. Relationship of the Parties. The parties are independent contractors, and these Terms and Conditions do not create a partnership, franchise, joint venture, agency, fiduciary or employment relationship between the parties.

    3. Severability. If any term or provision of these Terms and Conditions, or any portion thereof, or the application thereof to any person(s) or circumstances shall, to any extent, be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, then the remainder of these Terms and Conditions, or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is so judicially held to be invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each term and provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be valid and be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

    4. No Waiver. The failure of Publisher to seek redress for violation of or to insist upon the strict performance of any covenant or condition of these Terms and Conditions shall not prevent a subsequent act, which would have originally constituted a violation, from having the effect of an original violation.

    5. Entire Agreement. These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between Publisher and Author regarding the subject matter hereof, and supersede all previous or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, discussions or representations regarding the subject matter hereof, whether oral or in writing.