Item details

Introducing "Sunbeam Serenade": a captivating trip hop track that blends mesmerizing elements to create a truly unique musical experience. With its deep bass line and dusty drums, this composition sets a captivating rhythm that pulses throughout, instantly drawing listeners into its magnetic groove. The soft synths delicately layer on top, creating a dreamy atmosphere that feels both familiar and fresh.
At the heart of "Sunbeam Serenade" lies the inspiring rhodes chords, exuding a sense of warmth and positivity. These chords serve as the backbone of the track, providing a solid foundation for the other elements to dance upon. The catchy vocal synth adds an extra layer of intrigue, weaving its enchanting melodies into the sonic tapestry, leaving an unforgettable imprint on the listener's mind.



90 BPM


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Sunbeam Serenade

By Starjammusic
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